German B2.1
The course is suitable for any student who has successfully completed a comprehensive level B1, who has the desire to automate, build on and further develop the knowledge acquired in the levels so far, in order to improve the ability to use the language at a higher level, not only in everyday but also in a professional environment. In addition, the course is also suitable for students aiming for professional development in German-speaking countries or in foreign companies, as well as for students who are about to apply to university in Germany or Austria.
Upon successful completion of the German language course, level B2.1, you will be able to navigate the media world fluently and seamlessly, giving you the opportunity to give breadth and scope to your thought, covered with the expressive tools of the German language. You will be successful in understanding administrative information, serving with it successfully, and applying the habits and skills you have acquired in terms of professional communication. On the basis of professional written and oral communication, you will be able to work fluently with information about German-speaking countries, to plan not only private but also business trips, and to handle yourself without a problem when you find yourself in a German-speaking company. You will also be able to navigate the opportunities the German-speaking world offers in terms of education and career.
Upon successful completion of the German language course, level B2.1, you will be able to navigate the media world fluently and seamlessly, giving you the opportunity to give breadth and scope to your thought, covered with the expressive tools of the German language. You will be successful in understanding administrative information, serving with it successfully, and applying the habits and skills you have acquired in terms of professional communication. On the basis of professional written and oral communication, you will be able to work fluently with information about German-speaking countries, to plan not only private but also business trips, and to handle yourself without a problem when you find yourself in a German-speaking company. You will also be able to navigate the opportunities the German-speaking world offers in terms of education and career.
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The Sicher system is one of the most successful systems for teaching advanced German, thanks to its clearly structured content with a focus on developing good communication skills. The well-chosen topics related to current daily life, education, professional life, as well as the regional features of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in each lesson predispose not only to consolidate and build on the knowledge gained so far, but also to get to know German cultural features up close. The texts covered reflect modern media: newspaper articles, blogs, discussions, etc., which helps students to cope with the absorption of this type of information. Each of the assigned lessons focuses on the following components: an introduction to the topic through an interesting picture, a listening comprehension exercise, a reading comprehension text, communication exercises, writing exercises, vocabulary, and a page summarizing the grammatical structures and rules in that particular lesson. The separate section "Sehen und hören" presents short films and photo reports that diversify the students and give them the opportunity to immerse themselves in the authenticity of the language and culture. The grammar and vocabulary covered in level B2.1 is:
- Приятели, разговори за приятелството, възраст, приятелство, любов, нестандартни приятелства
- Във фирмата – протичане на деня, работни дейности в офиса, разтоварване в хода на работния процес, причини за напускане на работа, служебни разговори по телефона
- Медии – използване на медиите, медиен бранш, личен имейл, представяне на новини
- След училището – оферти за завършващите училище, панаир на професиите, престой в чужбина
- Съзнателно отношение към тялото – нормалните жени като модели, консултация по здравни въпроси
- Градовете – обиколка на града, инфраструктура, интересни факти, оферти за свободното време
- Структура на главното изречение – позиция на допълненията и обстоятелствените пояснения
- Двойни съюзи – употреба
- Наставки при съществителните имена
- Страдателен залог – изразяване на резултат от процес
- Алтернативи на страдателен залог
- Представки при съществителните имена
- Съюзи „защото“, „затова“ и предлози „въз основа на“, „поради“, „благодарение на“, „от“ за изразяване на причина
- Причастни форми като прилагателни имена
- Наставки при прилагателните имена
- Невъведено условно подчинено изречение
- Подчинени изречения с че и техните алтернативи
- Съюзите „докато“, „след като“, „преди да“ и предлозите „по време на“, „след“, „преди“ за изразяване на времеви зависимости в миналото, сегашното и бъдещето
- Наставката – „weise“ при наречията
- Глаголът „lassen“
- Изразяване на предположения с формите на бъдещите времена
- Номинализиране на глаголите
- Значение на условно наклонение на глаголите – Konjunktiv II
- Прилагателни имена с предлози
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Intellect Word! is a proprietary linguistic development program based on the principles of the SuperMemo+ space repetition model, in symbiosis with the works of Tony Buzan and Pimsleur, developed and built in Fibonacci's golden section. The research, production and implementation of the Intellect Word! project is the result of many years of work by the RND department of Intellect Schools.
We will memorize and track your knowledge, allowing the words in your memory to be retold at the right moment.
In our practice of over 23+ years, we have found that there are two types of people: those who learn from the language they know better and those who learn from the language that is new to them.
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Our customers are our mirror. It is extremely important for us to receive sincere feedback about training with us.
I'm still taking the course, but I would say I'm finding it extremely useful: - The right attitude of our teacher, we are in different age groups and goals and she finds the way and the way to motivate us to build up .
With gratitude for the very high and professional level of teaching - with dedication and at the same time - flexibility to the level of learners, optimal pace, clear and concise presentation of grammar rules.
Everything was helpful - the explanations of the rules, the grammar exercises, the reading comprehension tests.
I would like to express my immense gratitude to my tutor, thank you for your professional attitude, patience and calmness. I was very comfortable throughout, I felt no anxiety and things happened with ease. I am also grateful for the invaluable advice and support and I would like to say that the training was very useful for me. I would recommend Intellect to anyone interested in language training. Thank you once again.
Definitely the attitude of the teacher played a part, the teacher gave her all to help us learn the basics. She was quite understanding, explaining in detail. The material we took was very good. Thanks!
Very good teacher with a broken down teaching approach that met my expectations. I would continue my studies at a later stage.
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