German А2.2

Who is it suitable for?

The German level A2.2 course is suitable for any student who has successfully completed level A2.1 and is looking to expand their knowledge by increasing their grammar and vocabulary. It is an extremely suitable course for learners wishing to develop their practical skills to communicate in real everyday and business situations.

What will you be able to do after the course?

After the A2.2 course, which is defined as the last step in the completion of the so-called basic level of German, you will be able to write and understand more complex and sophisticated emails, messages and advertisements, and you will also be able to successfully handle more complex explanations when navigating in a foreign country or a foreign city. In addition, after this course you will be able to use more complex grammatical constructions both in writing and orally while being able to find relationships between groups of words and compose complex words and sentences yourself. Making conversation on more specialised topics will also be much easier and more enjoyable.

What will you be able to do after the course?

After the A2.2 course, which is defined as the last step in the completion of the so-called basic level of German, you will be able to write and understand more complex and sophisticated emails, messages and advertisements, and you will also be able to successfully handle more complex explanations when navigating in a foreign country or a foreign city. In addition, after this course you will be able to use more complex grammatical constructions both in writing and orally while being able to find relationships between groups of words and compose complex words and sentences yourself. Making conversation on more specialised topics will also be much easier and more enjoyable.

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Course content and outline

The course curriculum is again based on the Schritte international neu system, as in level A2.1, in which students' written and oral communication skills continue to develop at the same smooth pace in an accessible and easy-to-understand way as they progress to the next higher level of proficiency. The many everyday situations addressed support and prompt learners to apply the grammar and vocabulary rules already learned while improving and building on their listening comprehension and reading comprehension skills. The grammar and vocabulary covered in Level A2.2 is:


  • Дейности през уикенда, изразяване на желания, противоположности, предложения;
  • Описание на предмети и дейност, изразяване на мнение;
  • Комуникация – разбиране на информация от интервю и новини, водене на телефонен разговор Указания за място, описание на маршрут, назоваване на причини;
  • Пътуване, изразяване на предположения и предпочитания, резервация за пътуване;
  • Пари и банки – разговор за банки и парични средства, начини на плащане;
  • Житейска ситуация – даване на информация за себе си и за други лица, даване на предложения и реагиране на предложения;


  • Съюзи: въпреки това, затова
  • Условно наклонение на глагола – бих бил, бих имал, бих, бих могъл
  • Склонение на прилагателните имена – силно, слабо и смесено
  • Степенуване на прилагателните имена
  • Изразяване на сравнения – толкова…колкото, по от
  • Страдателен залог – образуване и употреба
  • Въпросителни местоимения
  • Предлози за място
  • Предлози за време – от…нататък, повече от
  • Непреки въпросителни изречения – с въпросителна дума и с дали
  • Глаголът lassen - спрежение, употреба с инфинитив и значение
  • Словообразуване – прилагателни имена с представки и наставки
  • Словообразуване на съществителни имена с наставка –ung
Frequently Asked Questions
Courses at Intellect usually last between 2 and 3 months, during which time one language level is covered. In these hours you have included, in addition to live classes, work in our intelligent platform Intellect Modus.
Classes are usually held twice a week for 3 astronomical hours. It is possible that the course may be of a different intensity if this is necessary for you to get into the material more quickly.
Да, предлагаме както присъствени, така и онлайн курсове, в специално разработена платформа на езикови училища Интелект. В случай, че искате да разгледате и нашите онлайн курсове, заповядайте на
Our teachers are qualified and have many years of experience in teaching foreign languages. You can view their profiles on our website or ask our administrator.
Each lesson includes grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking and writing so that you can adequately develop all your senses. The programme is well balanced and gradually guides you through the language.
All teaching materials are purchased additionally. Intellect can provide you with materials, and you have the option to provide your own if you already have the textbook or wish to obtain it yourself.
Yes, we offer a free placement test that determines your language level with great accuracy. In most cases, we will ask you to complete this test to make sure that this really is your level and the group you are in is for you.
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In our practice of over 23+ years, we have found that there are two types of people: those who learn from the language they know better and those who learn from the language that is new to them.

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What do people think of us?

Our customers are our mirror. It is extremely important for us to receive sincere feedback about training with us.

A client who has completed training at Intellectica

The course was fulfilling and most importantly I learned new things and remembered old ones. :) Thank you for everything, I wish you health and success!

A client who has completed training at Intellectica

So far I am impressed with the patience, responsiveness, diligence, and attention I receive from our teacher. An exceptional teacher, I say this from the position of a teacher with over 30 years experience. A heartfelt thank you! I did not expect to have so much knowledge and develop my reading, speaking and writing skills in German after two weeks of training.

A client who has completed training at Intellectica

I'm still taking the course, but I would say I'm finding it extremely useful: - The right attitude of our teacher, we are in different age groups and goals and she finds the way and the way to motivate us to build up .

A client who has completed training at Intellectica

Hello, The course is really useful and well organized. Thank you!

A client who has completed training at Intellectica

I have no recommendations, you are great. You've achieved optimal workload with two visits a week. The volume of new material is also optimal. For the class end time, if we have questions there is an extension of a few minutes which is a positive. Sorry I didn't find you sooner.

A client who has completed training at Intellectica

I have no recommendations for the school. I am satisfied with the course and will enroll in the next level.

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