Bulgarian language for spelling and punctuation
The Spelling and Punctuation course is designed to improve the grammar of the Bulgarian language and is aimed at all those who wish to improve their language skills. We realise how important it is to be literate, especially in your native language. That's why we offer a fast and effective course that provides solutions for forgotten rules. Our goal is to help you easily and with pleasure determine the use of full and short articles, place commas in exactly the right places and understand other specific aspects that leave a strong impression in written communication. For each of you, we have prepared a handbook with the basic rules and a specially designed test to assess your knowledge.
След успешното завършване на нашия курс, ще разполагате със задълбочени познания по следните важни аспекти на българския език:
- Ще знаете разликата между слято, полуслято и разделно писане на думи, което ще ви помогне да се изразявате точно и ясно.
- Владеене на правилния правопис на отрицателната частица "не," като научите как да я използвате правилно в текста си.
- Усвояване на уменията за членуване, което ще подобри структурата и четимостта на вашите текстове.
- Грамотно прилагане на пунктуационните правила, включително правилното поставяне на запетаи и други пунктуационни знаци.
- Разбиране на ситуации, когато трябва да поставите запетая пред въпросителна дума, за да подчертаете яснотата на вашия текст.
- Умение да водите официална кореспонденция във формален стил.
Тези знания и умения ще Ви помогнат да се изразявате по-ясно и уверено на българския език, независимо дали в професионален или личен контекст.
След успешното завършване на нашия курс, ще разполагате със задълбочени познания по следните важни аспекти на българския език:
- Ще знаете разликата между слято, полуслято и разделно писане на думи, което ще ви помогне да се изразявате точно и ясно.
- Владеене на правилния правопис на отрицателната частица "не," като научите как да я използвате правилно в текста си.
- Усвояване на уменията за членуване, което ще подобри структурата и четимостта на вашите текстове.
- Грамотно прилагане на пунктуационните правила, включително правилното поставяне на запетаи и други пунктуационни знаци.
- Разбиране на ситуации, когато трябва да поставите запетая пред въпросителна дума, за да подчертаете яснотата на вашия текст.
- Умение да водите официална кореспонденция във формален стил.
Тези знания и умения ще Ви помогнат да се изразявате по-ясно и уверено на българския език, независимо дали в професионален или личен контекст.
If you are not sure about your language level, take a free test on our platform.
- Easy and fast
- Test for each language
- Overview of errors
- Free consultations
My Intellect is your personal electronic diary that helps you quickly and easily keep track of all your activities, as well as solve quizzes for faster progress in your language learning.
This app is made entirely for you. You'll have reminders for every homework or test and never miss a new one.
Keep track of all your assignments and don't miss an opportunity to show what you've learned. We try to give you as much value and motivation as possible
Intellect Word! is a proprietary linguistic development program based on the principles of the SuperMemo+ space repetition model, in symbiosis with the works of Tony Buzan and Pimsleur, developed and built in Fibonacci's golden section. The research, production and implementation of the Intellect Word! project is the result of many years of work by the RND department of Intellect Schools.
We will memorize and track your knowledge, allowing the words in your memory to be retold at the right moment.
In our practice of over 23+ years, we have found that there are two types of people: those who learn from the language they know better and those who learn from the language that is new to them.
Start learning words nowWhat do people think of us?
Our customers are our mirror. It is extremely important for us to receive sincere feedback about training with us.
The most useful thing was that we communicated mainly in English, we had the opportunity to listen and practice speaking.
My tutor is a unique professional! Idea/Recommendation - when training IT people (like our group), a module could be inserted that is missing in the standard textbook and curriculum, but would be useful from the start - for additional email writing and IT-oriented information.
Everything was helpful - the explanations of the rules, the grammar exercises, the reading comprehension tests.
I would like to thank the whole team for the opportunity to learn English. Very honest and kind women. The lady is a very high level teacher. I'm glad I came across her and she stimulated me to continue learning the language. Special congratulations for the organization of the classes and the learning system. Enjoyable lessons that give you the knowledge you need.
Everything was extremely helpful for me! I was able to improve my level, and working with the tutor was more than a pleasure!
Every lesson was useful and taught with interest for me.
Did you know that more than 65% of Europe's inhabitants speak 2 or more languages?